Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency.

Do not seek happiness for its own sake, you will not find it. Seek for purpose, and happiness will follow.

If you are happy with your life, it means you are contributing meaningfully to the lives of others.

It means you live your life in a way that adds value to the life of someone else; this could be your spouse, children, friends, your community or the world in general.

The major definite purpose in life which is to touch the lives of others positively is being fulfilled.

The key to happiness in life is this: Service to humanity. It’s by giving to others that we make ourselves happy. To achieve this you have no option but to live purposefully which Dr Okuji is known for.

Leadership requires service to humanity, this service can come in so many but different shapes and forms. When we share our life struggles with another who is hurting, we are in service from a place of love and compassion. When we use our talents and our genius to heal society, we are in service from a place of magic and miracles. When we extend ourselves and go outside our comfort zone to connect or reach out to another who is alone or lost, we are in service from a place of unity. When we remember that our lives have true meaning when we serve humanity, we start to truly feel alive and on purpose all at the same time,the above attributes is what Dr Okuji Oreh represent.

The genuineness or success of a political office holder imbibes on how well lives are transformed under his leadership. Often times, more political leaders pretend not to understand the word “service to humanity”, they are used to the selfishness to satisfy their personal gains, rather than respect and represent the people who entrusted them with their votes and life in other for their service to align with the suffering of humanity. Only character like DR OKUJI OREH, will from time to time reach out to his constituency in his capacity to ensure that lives is been lifted through purposeful empowerment, job creation, gainful employment opportunity and as he said, he will provide healthcare services in other to improve the standard of living in our communities in Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal constituency.

Dr Okuji Oreh will always be available to the people he will be representing because of his readiness to touch lives. Dr Okuji Oreh will be Interacting with his constituents from time to time as he has released his manifesto and clearly itamized how he will use his well thought out plans as contained in his manifesto in transforming lives and giving hope to the people is one of the ways by which the people can entrust their mantle and confidence when need arises. Every one good term deserves another, when one fails to elevate her people in a double term political appointment, such is not supposed to be entrusted with a higher position, therefore, one failed in two (2) terms and the other will excel, touches lives and transform the people in his first term no doubt if giving the opportunity, it is a simple pamultation to consider a man with genuine service to humanity to represent us at the federal house of representative for Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal constituency.

The decision or criteria today in Nigeria for electing public office holder, depends on how you have rendered your service to suit the demand of the people, your service to humanity and effective representation is key for a candidate to be elected. Political platform is just an avenue for this to be achieve, but the real game changer after the election are the candidates we elect and not the political platform. These candidates have failed us with their defective performance in office, while somebody like Hon. Okuji Obinna Oreh will excel in his life transforming service for humanity. When we consider how best to serve others, it helps to remember that we can rise to the level we set for ourselves that whatever service we render ought to be performed to the very best of our abilities.

We approach the 2023 election in Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency with these two (2) concepts running in our mind. The first is a defective ideas of the past occupier of this very position while the other is a well nourishing ideas which Dr Okuji Oreh represent. If Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency will move forward for the better interest and welfare to the people, team nwamara under the leadership of Dr Oreh is always the answer.

Dr Oreh through his Private business have provided the people with huge confidence which he believes the people deserve the best in life. Across the state, it is no longer news that thousands are dumping the defective umbrella which can no longer cover it people during the rain and sunny season to pitch their tent under the nourishing family APGA.

Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency the only candidate who have proven to be in for genuine service to humanity is Hon. Dr Oreh, popularly known as Nwamara. Your votes will send him to the green chamber for a greater service to humanity.

APGA is the political party with the genuine service to humanity.

Support and Vote for APGA

Written by Michael Oduije from Ihechiowa

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