It was a day of jubilation in Arochukwu Local Government Headquarters as Ukoha Unity Cup second Edition commenced.

Mr. Dike Achibe who represented Hon. Mike Ukoha on the Kick Off occasion noted that Ukoha Unity Cup is aimed at Uniting various Clans of Arochukwu Local Government and bringing them together through football competition.

Arochukwu Football Team


The second edition of this competition was on Sunday 29th January commenced at the Aggrey Football field with a kick off match between Arochukwu and Ihechiowa.

Ihechiowa Football Team

Correspondent of Arochukwu Blog gathered that the football match started at about 4: 30 pm as Arochukwu Clan was winning Ihechiowa 1 – 0 at the end of the first half.

The both team played the best of their strength as Ihechiowa equalized the game barely three minutes for the game to end.


It was a game of strength, resilience and a show spirit of sportsmanship as the both teams strived to earn three points as the game ended draw which gave the both team one (1) point each.


To the glory of God, the game ended without any of the players sustaining injury despite their various doggedness to win the match.

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