Hon Fred Idika Picture

An achiever is someone who distinguishes him/herself through successful accomplishments through deliberate & thought-out efforts. He is a successful person & the best out of the bunch. He is one with the right character.

A look into the life & behavioral tendencies of Hon Fred Eke Idika, a Justice of Peace, a security expert & a Prince of Ebem Ohafia Ancient Kingdom depicts that he possesses several Sterling qualities that have set him out as a Primus inter Peres in all his endeavors.

Some of them, for time & space, include.

*Being Gritty:  This defines him as optimistic with a growth mindset. He puts no value on cost & is ever willing to focus on where he is going.

*Bravery: Rather than running from challenges, he seeks out challenges that are right at the edge of his ability. That’s why he is completely absorbed in the activities that perfectly march his skill.

*Time Value: Though a Nigerian by birth which makes him an African, he is disconnected from the concept of “African Time”. He has value for time, maybe, by his exposure.

*Good Listener: He is an attentive Listener who believes that brilliant ideas can spring from the most unlikely places. He is moved by very strong, superior & convincing arguments.

*Taking Action: As an achiever, Fred like Picasso Pablo believes that “action is the fundamental key to all successes. He, therefore, takes action rather than talking.

*Takes Responsibility: He doesn’t pass the buck or blame the person or circumstances for his actions. He takes responsibility.

*Possesses Stability of the Mind: Fred Idika is gifted with strong emotional stability & hardly jitters.

*Decisive: He hates indecision & is, therefore, internally aggressive in his decisions.

* Further, this frank & forthright personality is endowed with other outstanding qualities of consistency, self-control, academic & social intelligence, zest, optimism & always appreciative.

Legislative business at the National Assembly (Green Chambers) is a serious one that requires thoughtfulness devoid of exuberance & mediocrity. It is a business that requires boldness & strength of character which are the make-up of Fred Eke Idika.

He stands tall & above others. To that extent is most qualified at this time, to represent the constituents of Arochukwu/Ohafia for effective presence in legislative, ancillary & oversight activities of the House of Representatives, including the provision of democracy dividends. The scenario of “onye anogi oku, alopu jiya” should be over.

Let the right person with the right qualities, the right values & right attitudes go for us. The time is now.

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