Mazi Kingsley Okoro Kanu an erudite scholar and progenitor of Aro Okeigbo Values had in June 2021 made known his ambition to join the race for the top leadership Role of Nzuko Arochukwu World Wide come April 2022. Since this Declaration, there have been serious developments around Aro polity.

Kingsley Okoro Kanu (Kingmoore)

It is clear for the immense Aro people to evaluate the current leadership and then decide on what needs to be done in this regards.

Many interests had beseached Kingmoore’s ambition. Some are from the current excos that wants to reshuffle its team and continue after 6 years for another two tenures.

 The second is Umu Aro who felt that the present administration has done their best in the contribution of Arochukwu development hence should leave the stage for a new team. The opinion is that Aro Kingdom has more than enough capable sons that have the tenacity and capacity to handle the affairs of Aro Kingdom.

These happenings in the past few months has shown how enchanted the current excos feel about the Nzuko Aro Leadership. There inability to have realize that they are subject to Eze Aro in council and not the lead, to their founder.

This  led to a quickfix of Nzuko Aro CEC on 31st December 2021 just to hastily pass a new constitution which he drafted and was able to pad in things around elections and electioneering modalities. 

As this didn’t work, another dimension was to fix the constitution adoption meeting for February 19th 2022, however after it was agreed, a circular surfaced to also cancel such proposed meeting, because the general assembly is the only meeting that has the constitutional power to adopt the constitution and the meeting is not by delegation as was mandated by the President General.

Deacon Kingsley Okoro Kanu – Kingmoore, has also recieved direct and indirect request from his opposition camp to step down from the position he is aspiring, while they will refund all the expenses that he had incurred, but according to Kingmoore, he has not been convinced why he should back down from his thought through ambition to rescue his fatherland.

Deacon Kingsley Kanu -Kingmoore has shown great capacity and Capability to run the top most job of Nzuko Aro Worldwide. He has done serious consultation with Umu Aro through the branches, villages, clubs, interest groups and individuals.

Kingmoore has visited over 13 branches and took pain to examine their operations and challenges. He was able to proffer solutions and also render assistance in some major issues just like that of Effiom.

He has demonstrated a practical guide in handling the affairs of Arochukwu through his well crafted document known as Ngwugwu Ano.

The document which had input of all relevant stakeholders is an administrative thrust document that is anchored on 4R which implies as enumerated below;

a Reclaim Aro from error-prone leadership.

b Reform Aro to compete with other global Kingdom c. Reposition Aro to harness its great potentials

d. Relaunch a brand new Aro with its rich heritage and new climes.

Kingmoore is not leaving any stone unturned however the policy document contains quick wins that will hit the ground running from day 1 after handover and will incorporate the inclusion of all Aros both at home, Diaspora (Aro Settlements) and Abroad. 

It will uphold the relevance of the young people and patriotic Aro youths in its administration hence call on all able and qualified Aro young people to join the Ngwugwu Ano Movement for benefit of our general future.

….wouldn’t you rather join the train……in your best interest.

Compiled by Ngwugwu Ano Strategic Team.

February 2022

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