Twelve Rescued Sex Workers in Anambra Brothel Reveal Daily Earnings and Ordeal

Twelve female sex workers were rescued from the Happiness Guest Inn brothel in Amawbia, Awka LGA of Anambra State. The victims, aged between 15 and 25 years, disclosed that they made daily earnings ranging from N10,000 to N40,000 from their clients.

According to the victims, they were required to remit between N10,000 and N15,000 each night and N40,000 on Sundays, while earning at least N1,000 from each man they engaged with.

Sharing their harrowing experiences, the victims explained that they were brought to Awka by two individuals named Ifeoma and Chika, who had promised them employment opportunities. However, upon arrival, they were coerced into engaging in prostitution.

One victim recounted, “The women who brought us to the brothel seized our phones and belongings, and handed us over to a woman named Ezenwannyi. She informed us that in order to secure our release, we had to pay her N150,000 or serve her for a year.”

Using a whistle blower’s phone, the victims managed to contact their families, who subsequently notified the Ministry of Women and Social Welfare in Anambra State. With the assistance of the police, the ministry raided the brothel.

Mrs. Uchechi Friday, a parent of one of the victims, expressed her shock upon learning of her daughter’s disappearance and promptly reported the incident to the police in Abakaliki.

Commending the Commissioner for Women Affairs for her swift response, Uchechi urged other parents to remain vigilant about their children’s welfare and whereabouts.

In response, Commissioner Ify Obinabo reiterated the government’s commitment to eradicating child kidnapping, trafficking, and sexual slavery in the state. She warned hotel owners against employing underage girls and emphasized that such actions would be met with legal consequences. Obinabo assured that the case, which has garnered the attention of Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo, would be handled seriously.

Obinabo described how her ministry collaborated with the police to apprehend the suspects after receiving a tip-off from a whistle blower. The victims were taken to the hospital for medical examinations and necessary treatments, and their family members have been contacted.

The case has been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) in Awka for a thorough investigation, and subsequent charges will be brought before the court.

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